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PY2020 New Achievers Recognition Virtual Event Celebration

The celebration must go on despite the ongoing pandemic and its challenges! Towards this end, Amway held its inaugural PY2020 New Achievers Recognition Virtual Event on 12 December 2020, to acknowledge the effort and achievements of PY2020 Achievers and their new qualifications.

Although the excitement and energy that comes from a stage recognition in a massive hall surrounded by loved ones can never be fully matched, the one-of-a-kind virtual event was no less memorable. In fact, it achieved a chart topping 4,400 combined views on YouTube and Facebook.

Almost 1000 postings on the Social Wall consisting of congratulatory messages and encouraging words for the achievers.jpg

The audience’s response to the event was indeed overwhelming with close to 1,000 postings on its specially curated Social Wall, which was filled with congratulatory messages and encouraging words for the achievers. Family members and friends near and far joined the achievers online for an amazing night of celebration

A Night Of Celebration & Achievement

Mike Duong Managing Director of Amway Malaysia Singapore & Brunei.jpg

The event kicked off with a welcome keynote address from Mike Duong, Managing Director of Amway Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei. He started by congratulating the achievers for cultivating the right mindset and perspective to overcome adversity, before acknowledging the effort and commitment they had for their business despite the challenges that came their way.

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This was preceded by an uplifting speech from Gan Chee Eng, Regional President of Amway Asia and Chairman of Amway China, who thanked the achievers for not wavering in their dedication to the Amway values as well as their business.

He also shared insights into Amway’s growth in the area of health management and its promising potential, as well as the key role that ABOs would play in that arena. He also assured the achievers and all Amway Business Owners (ABOs) of Amway’s commitment to give them the best resources and support to help them achieve greater success.

After a hearty toast with XS Energy Drinks by Mike & Gan, the achievers of the Nutrilite Loyalty Programme (NLP) – Recognition For Your Achievement campaign were duly recognised.

Nutrilite Loyalty Programme Recognition For Your Achievement campaign Aug to Nov 2019 achievers.jpg

Nutrilite Loyalty Programme Recognition For Your Achievement campaign Mac to May 2020 achievers.jpg

The campaign, which ran from August to November 2019 and March to May 2020, had a total of 78 achievers. Next, Amway celebrated the Silver and Gold Producer pin achievers, followed by Platinum and Ruby pin achievers.

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One of the highlights of the event came in the form of inspiring messages from all the Founders Crown Ambassador and Crown Ambassadors to motivate the achievers to reach for greater levels of achievement. To maintain the momentum of the event, live interactive activities were held with almost 3,000 people participating in the contest which offered Grab Food Gift Card as prizes.

A Resounding Success

In another first, Amway also celebrated those who qualified for the 2020 Amway Leadership Seminar Sydney for the very first time during the virtual event. There were over 150 ABOships who earned such an honour.

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Next, Amway recognised the Sapphire and Founders Sapphire pin achievers, as well as the Emerald and Founders Emerald pin achievers. The event wrapped up with a speech by Milind Pant, Chief Executive Officer of Amway Global. Besides reiterating Amway’s commitment to ABO success, he also applauded their ability to adapt to the rapidly changing environment and for embracing the digital space so whole heartedly.

Although it was not without some minor hiccups, overall, the PY2020 New Achievers Recognition Virtual Event was considered a resounding success. Nevertheless, Amway would like to extend its apologies for the any error that may have occurred.

The achievers who were recognised during the event will receive their physical pin/s as well as a digital copy of their pin/s so that they may share their achievements on social media.

May this event be an inspiration and motivation for all Amway Business Owners to aim for their next level of success!

List of quiz winners from the PY2020 New Achievers Recognition Virtual Event.jpg


To watch the virtual event, please click here: PY2020 NEW ACHIEVERS RECOGNITION VIRTUAL EVENT

Click here http://amway.tv/fem20 to watch the Founders Emerald videos and click here http://amway.tv/em20 to watch the Emerald videos.